Monday, August 10, 2009

How To Go Get An Ex Back The Right Way

How to go get an ex back is a fairly common question but one that should be relatively easy to answer. If you were to blame for the breakup then you should apologize. We should always treat other people as we would like to be treated but occasionally we could treat our neighbors better than our partners. Having somebody special in our lives can mean that we take them for granted and expect them to put up with our black moods, PMS or other human failings.

So say you're sorry and mean it. Do not just say it to get your ex back but mean it regardless of what the future holds for you. Arrange a meeting with your ex to discuss what failed and see if you do have a future together. You should agree some basic ground rules or else you run the risk of it turning into a blame fest.

The first rule is that both of you should be there because you want to be not because you are being emotionally blackmailed. This is especially true if you have children together as one partner could frequently put pressure on the other to stick together for the sake of the kids. Believe me, most kids would rather to have two different families than to witness two people tearing one another apart.

The second rule should be that you're not getting together to have an argument - if either party gets abusive then the meeting is over. You're there to have a discussion about your relationship and see if you would both like to take it forward. It might be helpful to set a time limit for each person to talk about how they're feeling. When they are talking the other person should be listening.

This is a time for you both to express what you like about one another and what parts of your life together could do with a little work. Maybe you never get to spend time alone together so an idea might be that you have a date night once a week or two weeks. This is a night where it's just the two of you and all talk of children, mortgage, debts etc is banned. This would be your time as a couple to try to relight the forces of attraction that brought you together to begin with.

You will in all likelihood find that both of you are finding the same issues hard. You both in all likelihood miss spending quality time together and you might both be under financial and emotional pressure. Occasionally life gets in the way and we frequently expect our partners to become mind readers and be able to see a problem without us saying anything. We do not tend to make time in our lives to really talk to our spouse. It's never too late to begin.

Now when you're asked how to go get an ex back, you will be able to say that communication and quality time together are the keys to lifelong happiness.


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