Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting Back Together Poems Do They Work

We've all heard of "roses are red violets are blue," and little love notes, but what about getting back together poems? Do these kinds of things work? Can they help you get back together with someone that you want to be with?

There is no magic answer that works in every situation. You know the person that you're broken up with probably better than anyone. Do they like poetry? Is it getting back together poetry something that might touch them and make them more open to listening to you?

Some people might find the idea to be ridiculous. You might write a getting back together poem or point one out to them that you've read somewhere else, and they might make fun of it. Many people might find it to be a touching gesture even if they don't like poetry. But if your ex is someone who would find it silly, it's probably best to avoid it.

If you read a poem about love or getting back together that really moves you, keep it for yourself and refer to it often. It might inspire you to find new ways to show your ex that you'd like to be with them again. Just keep in mind that there is no one thing that works for everyone, and some couples really shouldn't be together.

There are some do's and don'ts when writing poetry in general that can help you write a poem that will move someone. Keep these in mind for best results and to end up with a poem from the heart.

First of all, remember that most poetry doesn't rhyme. Many classic poems do, but those were skilled poets with writing experience. For someone writing a get back together poem or any type of poem from the heart, free verse is best. This is non-rhyming poetry.

And do try very hard not to sound like you're trying to sound like one of the masters. Write from the heart. If you want to tell your ex you still love them after all this time, write it very plainly. Make one line of the poem, "I still love you after all this time."

The best personal poetry is written in plain language with clear meaning. If you try to rhyme with flowery language, as best it could come off sounding silly. At worst the meaning gets lost in all the big words and your poem won't have the impact it should.

If you're unsure about writing your own poetry about getting back together, then find a poem that says what you mean. There are millions of poems to choose from. Look at your local library or online for poems about love and getting back together.

You'll have so many getting back together poems to choose from you're bound to find one that says what you'd like to say to your ex. Write it inside a card or letter to them in a romantic way, if you're sure your ex will be open to such gesture.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

10 Romantic Fun Ways To Get My Ex Back

These "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" can help you get back together and have a better relationship. But there's no guarantee any of these will work 100% of the time. You know your ex better than anyone else, so you know which tips might be more in line with their personality.

1. Send a bouquet. Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.

2. Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.

3. Ask your ex on a date, but make it clear there's no pressure. You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.

4. Write a love letter. Writing a letter will let you express yourself in ways you might not be comfortable doing face to face. Tell your ex just how much you care and what they mean to you. But remember that everything you write down can be read by other people besides your ex.

5. Write a poem. Writing poetry to your ex is sort of like writing a love letter. It can be much more romantic if you say the right things. Don't underestimate the power of humor. You probably can't write like Shakespeare so don't even try. But make it sweet and funny and your ex should appreciate it.

6. Ask your ex to join you on a spa date. This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.

7. Ask your ex out on a theme date. Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.

8. Take your ex with you to an animal shelter and spend an afternoon walking the dogs and playing with the cats.

9. Go to an amusement park together. Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.

10. Re-create your first date. This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your grasp.

One of these "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tips on Getting Back Together After A Long Time

If you've been apart from the person you love and you plan on getting back together after a long time, the first thing you should do is slow down. That's probably the opposite of what you want to do when you're ready to get back together. But even if they are ready to do so as much as you are, take a careful look at your situation.

Depending on how long a period of time you've been apart, many things about each of you could've changed. You could be different people in many ways. And while this is not necessarily a bad thing, you do need to be aware of it.

During that long time, have you been with other people? Have they been with other people? How do you each feel about things you've done when you were apart?

If you're unsure, it's important to have a conversation about it. You don't want to get back together after a long time only to find that you're unhappy with the things that have happened between your breakup and now. They might assume you've been pining for them and not seeing anyone else. And you might assume the same.

While talking about other relationships might seem a bad idea, it's better to do so before you get back together and to have a surprise afterwards. And remember, it's not always a bad thing. Being with other people could have shown Bush them why they want to be back with you.

You also need to think about why you broke up in the first place. If it was something that one of you did, has there been forgiveness for that? Or are there still resentments one or both of you haven't been able to let go?

It would be terrible to get back together after such a long time only to find that one person or the other, or even both, is hanging onto a past hurt. Try to work those out before you make another commitment. That can help you keep this commitment much stronger and longer lasting.

If you're trying to convince the other person to get back together with you after a long time and they're not really on board, you can try wooing them in the same way you did in the beginning. Or if they wooed you, you can make it clear that you want them to try again.

There's no guarantee that they'll come around and want to get back together with you. But if you do everything possible to make it clear to them you want to, if there's any part of them that wants to, then it could happen.

When you're getting back together after a long time, you have an opportunity that other broken up couples don't. In many ways you can get a fresh start. Especially if you have very much time apart you can get to know each other all over again. Date just like you don't know each other, and try to do everything right from the very beginning.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting Back Together Letters They Really Work

If you've been telling your ex that you want to get back together and it's not been working, maybe getting back together letters are the next thing to try. There are some good reasons why something like this could work better than your current approach. But you need to know that there's still a chance it won't work.

While that might sound harsh, it's something that you need to face. Every couple won't get back together no matter how good you treat them or how many wonderful things you try. But letters about getting back together are something that definitely helps.

Letters can help especially if you've been speaking to your ex and seeing them often, always bringing up how much you want them back. Giving them a letter or letters is a way for them to read what you want to say without the pressure of you being in front of them. They don't have to face you telling them you want them back yet one more time.

This lets them read your words and hear your wishes without feeling hounded. They can read the letters about getting back together in their own time and revisit them when they want without being expected to give an answer right that moment because you're standing there.

The best letters about getting back together are just written honestly and from the heart. Not everyone is Shakespeare and capable of writing great words of love that will move everyone. Don't try to put false things in your letters. Write like you speak and say what you really mean.

If you try to write "fancy" and it doesn't work, at worst it will look silly. But it may very well seem so silly that the person you give it to won't really understand what you're trying to say.

Also, don't write down anything that you would be horrified for another person to read. You don't know who could end up reading this letter in the end.

This brings us to an important point about letters designed to help you get back together. Really consider whether or not your ex is someone with whom this approach could work. Is it a gesture that could move them and make them feel touched at your thoughtfulness and caring? Or will they find the whole thing silly?

If you write letters about getting back together to someone who might very well find the whole idea ridiculous, it could just be something to be made fun of over. If you're willing to risk that they might mock you over these letters, then by all means give it a shot. But be very careful what you say in the letters and how you might feel as other people you knew could read your words.

Getting back together letters can be a wonderful thing, just like love letters can. If you use the opportunity to really tell your ex how you feel, then at least you know you've given it your all and been emotionally honest.

The Best Getting Back Together Advice

The best getting back together advice is never black and white. It never says that in order to get back together with your boyfriend or girlfriend you need to do this is you must do that. Instead, it offers tips that you can try to help you get back together.

The reason it's never black and white is because the same methods won't work for every person. There are too many variables and too many different reasons why people might have broken up. People are just different and so the same things aren't going to work with every couple.

If you're trying to get back together there are some things that you can try and usually at least one or two of them will have better results than the rest. One of the best pieces of advice for getting back together is to make sure that you really want to get back together. While this might sound silly, it's something very important to consider.

Too often, the urge to get back together is instinctive and it's never really examined. Someone has broken up with you and you want them back. Something you had was taken away from you, and it's perfectly natural to want it back.

But it's also very important to make sure that that's what's best for you and that's what you really want. Sometimes we lose things that weren't good for us in the first place. And you have to consider that that's a possibility when it comes to this relationship. If you examine your motives carefully and you decide you really do want to get back together, then there are some things to try.

The first thing to do, and this is true no matter why you broke up, is to look at what you're doing and do something different. If you've been begging the person to come back to you, that approach is obviously not working. Stop it.

If you haven't been doing that then maybe a more aggressive approach is called for. This is true especially if you've been trying to get back together with the person for a long time. Do something completely opposite of what you've been doing and that will get their attention if nothing else. And getting their attention is the first step in getting them back.

Try to think of why you got together in the first place. Now compare that with your behavior today. If you were easy-going and not suspicious or jealous, have you been acting that way lately?

It's important to make them remember why they fell in love with you in the first place. Get back to that type of behavior and remind them why they want to be with you.

Another important piece of getting back together advice that can help you, is to simply treat the other person with extreme respect. Treat them with as much respect and politeness as you can, and it will impress them with your sincerity and remind them why they want to be with you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Long Can Things Go Without Getting Back Together

If you have any hope of reconciling with your ex, how long can things go without getting back together? There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people can be apart for years and eventually find each other again. We've all seen tales of people separated for decades to end up married in their old age.

Chances are, however, you don't want that sort of scenario. In fact, your biggest fear is probably that your ex will be away from you long enough to find someone else. Of course, this is a possibility. And it's a hard one to face, but you do need to look at it head on.

The best time to work on getting back together is right away after the breakup. But not so soon that everything is too raw. Give each other a little time to settle into your individual lives and get used to not being part of a couple.

This might seem like bad advice, as if you become separate people and it will be harder to get back together. But by taking care of yourself for a while and focusing on you, it makes you able to be better in a relationship, too. It can help you look at your life and decide if your ex is really the person that you want.

It's very common to be afraid of your ex doing this and deciding they don't want you. Unfortunately, that is one possibility. But look at it this way. If your ex goes through this period of time and decides they do want you, then your chances of getting back together much better. And your chances of staying together are much better, too.

If you spend some time apart and your ex decides not to get back with you, you need to just continue to be the best person you can. Your ex will come around or then maybe not. If not, as painful as it is to realize, you're probably much better off without that person.

And if during your time apart you decide that you don't want your ex back, then you've saved yourself another mistake. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. So if a little time apart doesn't make you each want to be back together even more, than the breakup probably came with good reason.

A little time apart without the pressure of getting back together can help heal you both from certain situations. If there was an infidelity that caused the breakup, a little time and distance can make it sting a little bit less. It'll become easier for one to forgive the other.

So how long can things go without getting back together? It really depends on the situation and on each of you and how patient you are. It's a good test, to see if your future relationship can weather problems, too.

If one of you is impatient and tries to pressure the other at this delicate time, that's a good indication that you might have problems agreeing on other important issues in your relationship down the road.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

5 Ways To Be Romantic After A Break Up

So you've broken up with the person you love and you want them back. But how can you be romantic with someone after you've broken up with them? That doesn't exactly provide you with opportunities for romance when you're not dating or seeing each other at all.

It can certainly be a challenge, but here are 5 ways to be romantic after a break up that can help you express your feelings. These ideas not only offer the opportunity for romance, but they'll make your ex feel special which is one of the most important things you can do when you want to get back together.

It's important to remember, however, that you need to respect your ex's wishes. If you're calling and stopping by and they want you to stop, you need to stop. But that doesn't mean you can't make a romantic gesture.

But your gesture will be better received if you don't do it immediately. Stop bothering your ex and begging them back. Give them some space without you. After some time has passed, then make one of these romantic gestures which will surprise them and remind them of you.

Tip one: send flowers. Don't do this immediately after you give your ex what they want by contacting them less. Wait a little while then send a bouquet of their favorite flowers and have them delivered. Don't have them delivered when they're at work or in front of many other people. Have them delivered at home instead.

And don't write wishes of getting back together or love on the card that's attached. Include a message that says something as simple as I hope you're doing well, or hope you're okay.

Tip two: focus on them. Wait a while and then call or stop by when it feels like it would be okay to do so. But don't talk about yourself or what you want. Ask if they need anything or if there's anything that you can help them with. Do this without the pressure of anything in return.

Tip three: do something very thoughtful. After some time has passed, send them a thoughtful card or gift that's obviously just for them. If they have exams coming up or a tough project at work, send a card of encouragement about it without mentioning yourself. For a birthday or any type of occasion, instead of the fancy gift, wash their car or give them something practical to show that you care.

Tip four: make a romantic gesture that doesn't necessarily include you. Surprise them with two tickets to a movie or play designed for them to take someone else. They might just ask you now that the pressure's off.

Tip five: give up something you know they want. Whether it was a CD or anything that belongs to you that you can replace, offer it to them in goodwill. These 5 ways to be romantic after a break up can help your efforts to get back together and make you both feel good.

Monday, December 21, 2009

How To Be Sweet To Your Girlfriend And Still Be A Man

If you are asking how to be sweet to your girlfriend, it is a good sign that you want to keep her happy. Keeping a woman happy is not always easy but with a little work and effort, you will be fine.

So what can you do? Telling her you love her is one step but avoid over saying it as the words become meaningless. Try telling her in other ways such as leaving a note under her pillow or sending her a message when she is not expecting it. You could send her a card despite the fact it is not her birthday, your anniversary or any other special occasion. Make a list of all the reasons why you love her and stick it somewhere like inside her fridge or just inside the washing machine. She may not notice it for a few days but when she does she will light up like a candle.

Find a book of poetry and write her out a love poem. She will love it. When you are out and about, put your arm around her waist as it shows that you are proud to be seen with her. If she is upset, listen to her and try to reassure her without giving her the impression that you don't think she will be able to sort out the problem on her own.

Complement her not just when she has dressed up for a special occasion but when she is just lounging around relaxing. Find things that you love about her, her tousled hair, her long legs, the back of her neck etc and tell her how lovely she is. Girls love complements especially when they are not expected. If she is trying to lose pounds, tell her she looks really slim today.

Never put your girl down or make unkind remarks about her even in the middle of an argument. Sure, sometimes is it hard not to get personal but try your best. Apologize if you do say something hurtful and don't do it again.

Don't forget to tell her how happy she makes you and how much your life has improved with her in it. Arrange surprises for her. Take her to a chick flick or a musical or the theater even if you would prefer to have your eyeballs stapled. Doing things for the lady in your life will end up making you both happier. Shared memories make relationships stronger and help you both get through the bad days.

In case you run out of ideas on how to be sweet to your girlfriend, find a great book on relationships and read it. If you really love this woman you don't want to lose her over something silly. Women leave men for all sorts of reasons and cheating is only one of them. They leave if they feel unappreciated or taken for granted. Don't let this happen to you as great partners don't come around every day.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Be An Amazing Girlfriend Without Being Wonder Woman

The good news is that it is fairly simple to answer how to be an amazing girlfriend. You just need to know certain tricks and soon he will worship the ground you walk on.

Often when we get involved with a man, we start to become comfortable. We stop dressing as well as we once did and leave waxing and other grooming a little bit longer than we should. This is the first step to being amazing. You never want him to see you looking anything other than your best. Yes ladies this means that the fluffy nightwear stays firmly in the closest and the sexy black negligee is neatly folded under the pillow.

This brings us to the next step. You have to have a very active and interesting sex life in order to gain the amazing girlfriend award. Seriously now is the time to be reading Karma Sutra cover to cover and putting some of the easier moves into practice. Men love a great time in bed but they like it even better when they turn their partner on so if he does make it obvious. Yes think the dinner scene from when Harry met Sally! Initiate sex and be open to trying different techniques and positions. Obviously you shouldn't do anything you are uncomfortable with but forget the missionary position every night. That's predictable and boring and doesn't merit the description of amazing.

Let you man out with his friends and don't call or text to find out where he is or who he is with. Men hate clingy insecure women. They don't mind you being a little jealous if some glamour puss flirts with him but they expect you to trust them when they are on a night out.

If you want to be a permanent fixture in your man's life, you need to treat his family and friends with respect. Sure they may not be the people you would chose to socialize with. I am guessing if you were honest, some of your own family wouldn't meet this criteria either. Your man's family will be important to him. In fact you should have already checked how he treats his mum as that is a good indication of how he will treat you in years to come.

It may be easy to answer the question how to be an amazing girlfriend but I am not saying that it will always be easy to put it into practice. But if you master at least some of these techniques you have more chance of moving onto the next step in your relationship. If you think that this is all too much effort, you may just find that your man has plenty of other female friends just waiting for the chance to prove they have what it takes to be an amazing girlfriend.

If you love this man and want to be walking down the street holding hands when you are in your twilight years, you need to take action now. Go on - what have you got to lose?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Be A Sweet Girlfriend Without Being Mushy

If you are anything like me, you may have wondered how to be a sweet girlfriend. I am quite fiery and hot tempered so you wouldn't normally describe me as being sweet. But seemingly men like that and sometimes quite a lot.

So what do you need to do? You do not need to go as far as waiting for him at the front door when he comes home but it comes close. You need to show your man some affection and I don't mean in the bedroom although we will come to that later. Men like cuddles but only when appropriate, i.e. in private. Public displays of affection tend to embarrass them.

Try taking the initiative and spice up your sex life but subtly is the key. For example, if you know he is having a hard time at work, why not surprise him with a massage one evening. Light the candles, slip into something more comfortable and heat up the massage oil. The temperature is guaranteed to rise.

Cook him his favorite meal and clean up afterwards letting him have the night off. In other words spoil him to distraction although after a while he may wonder if you are up to something.

Tease him when you are out in public. If you are at a restaurant, give his hand a massage under the table and watch how he tries to hold his concentration on the conversation. Send him cheeky I owe you messages such as a promise to dress up in his favorite outfit or do something naughty to really turn him on.

Surprise him with a weekend away. Men love surprises too but often are expected to be the ones to arrange them. This way you are showing him you fully understand how to be a sweet girlfriend.

Show consideration to his mates. If you live together, invite them round one evening and leave them some beers, food and dips to enjoy with the game. Your man will be very impressed and his friends will be envious.

You may be reading this thinking that I have taken things too far but the fact is that if you don't learn how to be a sweet girlfriend at least some of the time you are unlikely to progress to being a wife. In fact your progression will probably be to the status of ex girlfriend. That of course is fine if you do want to lose the man in your life but seeing as you asked the question I am guessing that's not the case. If you have a history of not making relationships work, perhaps now you have discovered why.

Do yourself a favor and start practicing now before it is too late. It is a lot easier to try to impress your boyfriend than it is to impress your ex.

Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Be A Confident Girlfriend Without Being Over Confident

How to be a confident girlfriend is something every woman needs to learn to be. There are very few men out there who like a woman who is lacking in self confidence. They tend to be needy and always need reassuring. This can be quite a turn off when it goes on for any length of time.

Sure we all have days when we feel awful. I am positive that even Carmen Electra wakes up some mornings feeling less than gorgeous but you do not need to tell the world about it. Men love confident women as they know that when they get them into bed, they won't be afraid to ask for what they want. Also confidence is power and some men love powerful women. But don't go overboard as confidence does not mean that you have to be arrogant. Yes there is a fine line but it is one that doesn't need to be crossed.

So how do you build your self esteem? You can do this in a number of ways but the most effective is to practice positive thinking. It is hard to feel low and ugly when you are walking around with a big smile on your face. Make a list of your good points and see how many things you have to feel grateful for. Be genuinely thankful for what you do have as then you may see even more of the positives that are already part of your life.

If you experienced something in your life that has affected your confidence then get some help. Counseling is a wonderful way of working through past demons and learning how to leave the past where it belongs i.e. behind you. You can't change what happened but you can change your reaction to these events and how it affects your future.

Fake it for a while. Pretend you are the most confident woman in the world. Your subconscious can't tell the difference between a lie and the truth so if you fake it for long enough, you will start believing and your self esteem levels will improve.

Ask your man why he is with you but not in a whiny type of way. You can ask him to tell you what he most loves about you? What he thinks your best assets are? Also choose your moment with care, this is not a post sex question.

Ask your friends to write down a list of your nicest characteristics. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at how people value you and what qualities they think you have. Practice being assertive and reward yourself for the successes you have achieved in life. If there is something you are really afraid of, why not try it today?

Perhaps you are afraid of heights, so try booking a hang gliding course. Ask your boyfriend to come with you. Maybe do it as a charity fundraiser. Once you face your fears and conquer them, you will no longer have to ask how to be a confident girlfriend. Your inner self confidence will shine like a beacon.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Be A Girlfriend Without Driving Him Away

Isn't it funny what we wonder about? I mean if you are thinking about how to be a girlfriend, it would suggest that something isn't working in your relationship. Or perhaps you thought it was working but you have just been dumped.

Hollywood makes having a perfect relationship seem so easy. In fact all the famous love stories do i.e. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pretty Woman all finish when the couple get together. They don't hang around for the difficult part i.e. when she discovers he snores in bed and puts his dirty socks under the bed rather than in the laundry. He finds out that she may be gorgeous but has a wicked temper and is quite demanding at times.

So what do you have to do to be a great girlfriend? You must accept your man for who he is. Far too many women get involved with "Mr ok but will soon change him to be Mr right". That is insulting for both of you. He doesn't deserve to be your pet project but deserves someone who will accept him for who he currently is. But you are also letting yourself down by settling for second best. It would be better not to be a girlfriend than to be the nagging partner no man wants.

You can be part of a couple and have an independent life. Some women find a man and then spend all their time with him. While it is normal to enjoy spending time with the man in your life, you need to have some time away too if only to have something to talk about when you do meet up. Men appreciate space and time with their mates. When he is having some time out, don't keep texting him as he will think you are stalking him.

Have conversations with your man rather than one sided lectures. It is difficult for most men to get excited about the latest plot on a soap opera or what the current fashion is. Try to talk about topics that interest the both of you and every so often shut up and let him talk as well. God gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason, use them in proportion.

Just because your man wants you as his girlfriend doesn't mean that he is going to fall in love with your family and friends too. So long as he is polite to them, don't push him into being anything else. Relationships develop over time but there is a chance he may never like your best mate. That is life and you can't change it.

Always be honest with your man and for goodness sake drop the mind games. Whoever told a woman that men are intrigued by mind games obviously drank too much alcohol.

There is a tried and tested recipe for success in all relationships. I am guessing you are not sure what it is if you are asking how to be a girlfriend. Don't you think now would be a good time to find out?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Be A Challenge To Your Girlfriend And Put Zing In Your Romance

Why are you wondering how to be a challenge to your girlfriend? Is it because you are afraid you are about to be dumped? Women often like their men to be a tough nut to crack. They seem to respect those men who are not afraid to live their life their way more than the man who agrees with everything they say. Sure they may complain their boyfriends are awkward but underneath they like it.

So how do you become a challenge? You can't take this too far or you will end up being dumped very quickly which I am guessing is not the result you are looking for. If you think your partner is taking you for granted, become a little less available. The next time she rings or texts to arrange last minute plans be unavailable. Have alternative arrangements in place even if it means you are washing your hair. She will slowly get the message that you have a life and while she is important to you, she may not be the axis your world turns on.

If you are always the one to initiate nights out, try taking a back seat and see what happens. Will she organize things instead or give you an ear bashing. If you send her flowers every week, skip one and see what her reaction is. I am not suggesting you start ignoring the woman in your life but if you have been acting like a doormat it is time to change. It is nice for a man to pay for dinner on the first date but you shouldn't always have to pay particularly if you have similar incomes. If you earn less than her, she should definitely be paying her way some of the time.

Arrange nights out with your own friends and go alone. Even people involved in a couple deserve a night out alone every so often. Your girlfriend may not like it but so long as you behave yourself why shouldn't you go without her.

You do not need to radically change your personality and become someone you are not. That will only make you uncomfortable. In answering how to be a challenge to your girlfriend, you are looking to make small changes to put the spice back into the relationship. If you always concentrate on her pleasure in the bedroom, start becoming a little more demanding. If you always initiate sex, take a back seat for a little while and let her worry about why you are not as eager as you once were.

Women do not like men behaving like puppies i.e. all eager to please and bouncing around the place. It may be fun for a little while but most girls will eventually get bored with your behavior as it is too predictable. A new man will come along who offers them a challenge and they will dump you. If you love this woman, you need to learn the secrets of a successful relationship and soon as otherwise you will be single again.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Be A Better Girlfriend Before Danger Creeps In

How to be a better girlfriend is something us women ask a lot. When you initially get together it is easy to keep the spark alive. You have so much to explore and learn about each other and the sexual attraction should also be very strong. But when you have been together for a while, the initial lust factor has probably reduced somewhat and you know as much as there is to know. Life can get a little mundane and this is when danger can creep in. Most relationships break up due to lack of communication rather than a major problem like having an affair.

So you start wondering how to be a better girlfriend? Perhaps there are some good books you could read to help you spice up your love life. Or, if it is your thing, why not surprise him with a movie? You could make your own but don't go overboard as these things have a habit of reappearing when you least want them to. Just ask Paris Hilton!

Becoming a better lover is something we tend to leave to the men to worry about but it is a two way street. And for such a little word, sex can cause major problems for any couple. But it is not just about sex. There is an urban myth going around which seems to suggest that men don't do affection. While they may not do public displays, most love being cuddled or caressed in the comfort of their own homes.

Men like to be appreciated too. So why not think up a couple of things you could do for him. For example, you could try getting him seats to a game for him and a mate if it is not your thing. Not only are you telling him that you want him to enjoy himself but you also trust him to go out without you and have a great time. This is important as often men can feel trapped without us women realizing it. While we want to spend every minute with the man we love, often they couldn't imagine anything worse. It is not that they don't appreciate us but sometimes men need some space. Give him lots of this and he will happily nominate you for girlfriend of the year award.

Men also like their women to be respectful especially when around other men. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting for a second that you head back to the 50's and have his pipe and slippers ready and waiting. What I mean is that they don't like their partner to put them down when their friends are around, or to act coarse and unladylike. It is never attractive when a woman acts like a dockworker but it is even worse when you do so in front of an audience.

So stop wondering how to be a better girlfriend and go apply these tips. If you are still concerned it would be worth investing in some additional relationship coaching to make sure you keep yours in tip top condition.

Monday, December 14, 2009

How To Be Affectionate With Your Girlfriend and Keep Her

Falling out of love can happen to all couples regardless of how strong their relationship was. In order to recover the magic, you need to learn how to be affectionate with your girlfriend. There are different ways of learning. You can ask an older man in a successful relationship for some advice. You could talk to your friends but do yourself a favor and only listen to the ones that are happily involved. The others are single for a reason. Or you could buy a great book, read it and put the theory into practice.

Women are often complex creatures but the majority just love it when you show affection. Now I mean real affection and not just a pre sex hug. Sex is a different animal to men and women. In a committed relationship, women often use sex to show affection and appreciation whereas men are less likely to think that deeply about it. They may just care whether it is any good or not or if it is even available. If a woman is hurt or upset you can usually gauge it from the warmth of the response she shows to your advances. If she usually initiates making love but hasn't, you can bet a dollar there is something wrong. It may not be your fault but she may be holding you responsible anyway.

If you read any decent book giving advice on relationships, you will know that one way to get more sex is to do more around the house and not leave everything to your other half. Another way is to show her affection when she least expects it. Hold her hand while on a walk, carry her shopping, collect her from work if it is raining or buy her flowers even though it isn't her birthday or your anniversary. Arrange to spend time together doing something that the two of you love.

Most romantic partnerships don't break down because of affairs or other huge events but because the little things are missing. If you feel that you are drifting apart, get some help and advice on how to put everything back on course. Don't ignore the signs of unhappiness hoping they will go away. Women can easily feel ignored and taken for granted and you may only be distracted by your job or financial situation. She may feel that you must have another woman in your life as you aren't interested in her any more. Or perhaps she is feeling used. Be honest, is the only time you show her affection those nights when you are hoping sex is on the menu?

So how do you get the love back into your relationship? There are many ways but perhaps one you could try is to pretend you are dating again. How did you treat your partner when you just met? She is still with you, for now anyway, so you must have done something right.

You need to find out now how to be affectionate with your girlfriend or you just might find someone else has been!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How To Be Romantic With Your Girlfriend And Be A Winner

It is no wonder we are confused as sometimes our good intention are met with obvious disapproval. Like the last time I bought my partner roses. She was going out on a night out and I thought she would be really surprised. She was but all I got was earache and sore arms. She kept wondering what I had done that I had to buy her red roses and guess who got to carry the bunch around all night. So my expensive gesture fell flat on its face and didn't improve things at all. She blamed me for ruining her night out and we ended up having another blazing row. In hindsight it was a little silly sending her flowers to her office when I knew she was going out on the town that Friday night.

These are the types of mistakes I used to make all the time. Instead of making my relationship happier, it only led to more rows. In desperation I started to buy women's magazines to see if I could get any insight into her mind but that didn't work and I sure got some funny looks down at the Mall. Eventually I bit the bullet and bought a relationship course.

You see I didn't know that there is a recipe for relationship success. Sure some people have it without resorting to books but these people are in the minority. Others, like me, are constantly wondering why they get it wrong so often. It can get so bad that you end up wondering whether they are with the wrong partner. But the truth is that communication between the two sexes isn't always easy. There are plenty of mixed messages and confusing signals.

Men usually don't find talking easy whereas it would seem that women have to talk all the time. You need to listen when they want to chat; in fact they find this romantic. Grand gestures like the red roses are easy to arrange. You just phone the florist and give them your credit card number. It takes a lot more effort to clean the house and cook a special dinner as a surprise for when she gets home. Or if you have kids, find a babysitter and take your partner out for the evening.

Why do you think so many couples who appear well suited break up? They haven't all had affairs. In fact if you ask them why they have broken up, they usually can't tell you but more often than not they want to get back with their ex. But you will often find that they haven't spent any time on their own together recently.

Let me tell you if you think it is difficult to answer how to be romantic with your girlfriend, you should try doing it when she is your ex! So don't make the same mistakes I did. Get a blueprint to having a successful happy relationship today and soon all your friends will be asking you for relationship advice.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How To Be Nice To Your Girlfriend And Make Her Happier

If you are wondering how to be nice to your girlfriend you have probably picked up some signs that it is not all rosy in your relationship. You must act fast as she may get fed up and decide to become your ex.

Ideally you should read a few books on relationships in order to get the full picture but I will try to give you a snapshot now. You need to treat the woman in your life with respect. If you are living together, then do not expect her to do everything around the house. Sure, she may be a better cook than you are but that doesn't mean that you can't do dinner some evenings. Or you could let her cook but be the one to set the table and tidy away afterwards.

Some men appear to have a gift for instinctively knowing how to treat a woman, for the rest of us it can be a little more complicated. At least it was until I read up on some techniques. My girlfriend was amazed. In fact it almost backfired as she thought another woman was teaching me how to behave! Not the result I was hoping for but thank goodness once I showed her my latest reading material she believed me. In fact she was very impressed I cared enough to be trying to learn new skills. Seemingly I hadn't been showing I was interested in our relationship prior to this. I thought I was doing everything right, I took her out to dinner, brought her flowers and some jewelry but according to her I had forgotten how to listen. And that is more important than my over the top gestures!

Obviously it will depend on what the situation is with your relationship. If you are asking how to be nice to your girlfriend you are obviously worried that you are missing something. Why not try sitting down with your partner and asking her how she is feeling. Ask her if she is happy or is there something wrong? Some women like gestures whereas others, like my girlfriend simply wanted my attention but to talk not to do other stuff! I found out that women like to chat even if there is nothing important to say. They actually enjoy talking to us and listening to our views so long as we also listen to them. But they hate when we try to fix every problem. Just because they tell us they are having an issue at work or with a friend, doesn't mean that they want us to solve it for them. They may just want reassurance they are handling the situation properly by themselves. They may simply be using you as a sounding board.

If you want to still be together when you are old and grey, you need to learn how to communicate properly. Then you won't be wondering how to be nice to your girlfriend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beating The Break-Up Blues

Break-ups are the worst.

You feel all out of sorts because life as you've known it prior to the break-up gets turned all upside down, and chances are you're not quite sure which way is up right now.

While I do understand how painful breaking up can be, there are a few things you can do to help transition back into at least a semblance of “normal” life.

The key is to put your focus on something else.

It may take a little time, but doing this will take some of the edge off the pain you're feeling and let you move on through life without having to deal with a lot of the blocks and re-starts some folks can't seem to get past.

Instead, they get stuck in “life without him/her mode” and have a hard time moving forward.

Don't let this happen to you.

Break-up's are painful, yes. But the truth is, the world hasn't ended, even if it does tend to feel like yours is falling apart at the moment. Life will and does go on – with or without you.

You, however, are a survivor. You won't stay trapped in the past, because you'll be moving forward.

For the first few weeks, it may be best if you don't go to the places you and s/he often frequented together, and don't try to hang out with what should be mutual friends.

You can pick up these extended relationships later, but for now, concentrate on things you know make you feel good that do not have a connection to him/her.

If you have trouble coming up with something to focus on, take some time to think about the kinds of things you enjoyed before you began your relationship.

Did you have a hobby you've kind of let go? Was there something you were passionate about before you and s/he met? Really give it some thought, and then start to do those things.

The more involved you become in doing things that make you feel good, the better you will feel. In time (faster than you think) you'll be able to call on those friends you and s/he both enjoyed spending time with, and even face-to-face meetings with your ex will be easier to handle.

Just remember to put your focus on doing things that make you feel good, and you'll beat those break-up blues in no time!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Make Him Or Her Fall In Love Again

Things getting a little boring in your relationship? Feeling like every day is the same as the day before? How would you like to bring back the excitement and fun you felt when you first fell in love? Think it's impossible? It's not.

See, if you know why a person fell in love with you in the first place, you know how to make that person fall in love with you all over again, as many times as you want – even forever! The trick is figuring out why your mate fell in love with you from the start.

How do you do that? You ask. Bear in mind asking, “Why do you love me?” isn't the best question to ask in this instance. If you don't believe me, ask your mom why she loves your dad. She'll likely say (like most people) “I don't know exactly why I love him, I just do.”

But the truth is that people fall in love with someone because of how that someone makes them feel about themselves. So if you want to find out exactly what it was that started it all, way back when, ask your partner what it was you made them feel, about themselves, when they first began to fall in love with you.

Maybe you made him feel like he was the most sexy man on the planet, or you made her feel like she was intelligent and interesting. In any case, whatever you made them feel about themselves, it's a sure indication feeling that way makes them very happy.

Knowing what makes your partner very happy, what makes him/her feel really good about themselves makes helping them to fall in love with you again a pretty simple operation.

How? Because once you know how you made your significant other feel about him/herself when your relationship first began, you'll have the key to unlocking those feelings of falling in love again over and over in your lives, as many times as you want.

So go ahead and try it today. Ask your partner, “How did I make you feel, about yourself, when we were dating or when we first met?” Then, once you have the answer, do whatever you need to do to recreate that feeling.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Step Toward A Second Chance

The first thing you need to do if you've lost the love of your life is communicate – with yourself. You need to get clear in your own head on what is really going on by ignoring all the noise. Forget the arguments, forget the fights and just get to the heart of the matter.

You'll have to be brutally honest with yourself here because what you're searching for is the truth. You want to dig past the clutter and the excuses and pinpoint the true reason or reasons your relationship began to go south.

Don't gloss over the little things, because often it is simply a combination of so many little things piled one on top of the other with no one ever going back to apologize and make things right that add up to one seemingly unmovable Big Thing.

Many times these small mountains of little things, too long ignored, make a relationship start to sour. If they keep adding up, things go bad a lot faster. So really think about the life of your relationship, and be honest with yourself about what really happened. What were the core events or words that put a hitch in the smooth turn of the wheel?

Once you've pinpointed all the things you feel are the likely culprits for pushing your relationship to take a turn for the worst, your next step is to communicate with your ex. Let him or her know that you want to sort out all the problems, get them out in the open and talk about them so you can figure out, together, what went wrong in your relationship because you never want to repeat these mistakes again.

Here's a valuable hint to remember during these communications: Discuss does not mean argue. If you can't act like a mature, responsible adult for the duration of a simple, single conversation to help make your relationship better now, how can you possibly expect to have a meaningful, long-term relationship?

So the next step is to find out what he or she thinks started the damage to your relationship. The point is for each of you to know what the other feels caused the relationship to go bad so you both will know exactly what needs working on – by both parties – to fix the relationship.

Next, ask if your partner feels your relationship has a chance, if they are interested (like you) in trying to change things for the better, working together to build a better life together, and then decide if you're both willing and able to do what you now know it will take to make the necessary changes and put the relationship back on track.

Communication is one of the cornerstones of all meaningful relationships. If you haven't been communicating with your partner, that could be one part of the problem. Make sure he or she knows you now understand this and that from here on out, you will definitely want to discuss your problems with each other, as well as possible solutions.

Why? Because by doing this, by communicating openly and honestly with each other about your hopes, fears, expectations and whatnot, both of you will be better equipped to make your relationship much better than it has ever been, to make your relationship the kind that lasts forever.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Do I Still Love My Ex

Emotions are quite difficult for many people to understand. This is because many emotions and feelings are very personal issues, ones which are not often discussed. So, it is easy to see how a great number of people can be confused about their feelings for their exes. In fact, it is not unusual for someone to wonder, "Do I still love my ex?"--even for months or years after the relationship has ended.

Figuring out your feelings for your ex can help you to move on to new and more successful relationships. Any unresolved emotions dealing with your ex could actually impact your future relationships--and not in a good way. Once you figure out whether or not you still love your ex, you will be able to deal with the issue and then move on from there.

How can you determine what your feelings are for your ex? Take a look at the following questions and think about your answers. Your answers will tell you what you feel for your ex.

• Do you feel a strong desire to see your ex?

If you still love your ex, you likely want to see your ex or talk to your ex on the phone quite often. Perhaps you have called your ex’s voice mail just to hear his or her voice, or maybe you have driven by your ex’s house or place of work in hopes of seeing him or her outside. Or, you may have "accidentally" bumped into your ex at a restaurant or bar.

• How often do you think about your ex?

If you still love your ex, chances are he or she is on your mind constantly. Whenever a love song comes on the radio or whenever you happen to see a romantic scene on the television or in the movies, you immediately think of your ex. When something interesting or upsetting happens in your life, the first person you think to call is your ex.

• How does it feel to think about your ex being with someone else?

If you are still in love with your ex, the thought of him or her being with someone else probably makes you feel very jealous. The very idea of it might make you feel sick inside, or it may make you feel angry at the other person. You may even feel possessive, as if the other person is on your turf, stealing ‘your’ ex.

Have you figured out how you feel about your ex? Did you decide that yes, I still love my ex? It wouldn’t be surprising--most people who wonder about their feelings for their exes do still have some strings attached which need to be addressed.

You need to make a decision--do you want to get back together with your ex or do you want to get over your ex? Think about this carefully, and then do a search for more information on whichever option you choose.

Heartbroken Sayings Can Comfort And Inspire You

Sometimes our own words do not suffice. Finding the right words to truly express how we feel can be difficult, especially if you have been unlucky in love. Using heartbroken sayings can be comforting and help you not feel as alone as you learn how others have coped with loss and have expressed how they feel.

Quotes about heartbreak are numerous and can be quite eloquent or even funny. Here are some notable heartbroken sayings and hopefully they will help you:

- “Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” – Washington Irving. Coming from the man who wrote the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, this is a surprising sentiment, but it offers a positive spin on unrequited love.

- “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.” – Richard Bach. This is a famous love quote that offers some comfort if you have loved and lost. Setting them free can also be interpreted also as giving them some space rather than your relationship breaking up completely.

- “What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.” - Richard Wilbur. This quote makes a simple but eloquent statement. This makes the point that there were two of you in the relationship, so each of you has suffered the heartbreak of breaking up. This is easy to forget if you only focus on how you are feeling.

- “Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” - Jean de La Fontaine. What you are feeling right now will not last forever even though it may not feel like that now. Make sure to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of a relationship. Moving on too quickly can be more detrimental in the long run.

- “Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.” - Charlie Brown. Leave it to Charles Schultz to describe a feeling so simply. With such a simple statement, we can all understand the sentiment behind the quote easily.

- “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.” - Author Unknown. While our first instinct is to do everything we can to mend the relationship, sometimes it is better that it ends as that may cause more heartbreak.

- “I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too.” - Missy Altijd. Love lost can affect you in many ways, including feeling pain throughout your body along with the emotional pain. What we project mentally can manifest physically. If you decide to project positivity, it can help ease your pain.

- “Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Count your life with smiles and not the tears that roll.” - Author Unknown. This is a reminder to count our blessings and while we may be hurting from a break up, we should still value the relationship we lost.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Want My Husband Back Some Tips For Reconciliation

If you are separated from your husband physically or emotionally, the thought of the failure of your relationship can be unbearable. You do not want to give up on your marriage, so all you think is I want my husband back. Depending on the extent of the problems between the two of you, reconciliation can be difficult but not impossible.

You may have tried everything that you can think of to get him back to no avail. Here are some other ideas to consider to help you reach your goal of reconciliation.

1. Give him some space. Some men feel limited in their marriage, like they are boxed in. The more limitations he feels are placed on him may make him distant and emotionally unavailable due to this feeling. By having a little freedom to tinker in the garage, watch sports or hang out with the guys on a regular basis, your husband will appreciate it and enjoy the time he spends with you and your family more.

2. Limit contact. If you are separated from your husband, keep your contact with him to a minimum. This is important because it will give him a chance to work through his feelings of the separation. While your separation has been very upsetting to you, it can be just as upsetting to him. You may be thinking I want my husband back so I need to talk to him and reason with him to pull your marriage together, but constant contact could prove to be more divisive than helpful. By limiting contact, you give both of you the time you need to step back and look at your situation objectively and make positive changes that can bring you together again.

3. Be introspective. Regardless of who is at fault for the problems in your marriage, both of you need to work together to mend your relationship. Be objective and take a look at your faults. Think about what you can do or changes you can make that can bring you together. This can involve being a better listener, nagging less or showing your husband more attention.

4. Set priorities. Your relationship with your husband may have deteriorated due to your work or other commitments outside of your home. Find ways to make time for your husband and show him how important he is to you. It is also important for him to do the same for you. As determined as you may to get your husband back, unless you both work towards a resolution it will not happen.

5. Listen. When he is ready to talk, make sure that you listen to everything he has to say as objectively as possible. Address any questions he has directly and communicate your feelings clearly to him. Have an honest discussion with him and make sure that he feels that he is heard and understood. This is an emotional situation that you are in, however be as calm as possible as getting upset will not be helpful.

Dont Want Divorce Dont Consider It

No one goes into their marriage wanting to fail. Many couples dont want divorce because they believe that it equals failure. New facts and figures now state that if divorce is not considered when problems arise in a marriage that couples can resolve their issues and have a stronger marriage.

If you are having problems and are considering divorce, make sure to try to find alternatives that promote fixing the problems via open and truthful communication or marriage counseling. This is preferable over the pain and effort involved in divorcing your spouse.

When others hear that you are having marriage trouble, many couples get unsolicited advice from friends and coworkers that they really dont want. Divorce to others can be seen as a quick fix when in truth it can simply add to your problems rather than fixing them. While you appreciate the support and advice offered by your friends, keep in mind that this is your marriage, not theirs.

By looking at statistics, 80 percent of surveyed couples who at one time considered divorce and subsequently decided not to go through with it claimed to be happily married years later. This can be explained by two possible outcomes. The first is that the couples who previously were considering divorce decided to deal with their problems directly. In doing so, it not only acknowledged their problems but it may have resulted in their finding effective solutions that saved their marriage.

The second is that when divorce was considered that it can change the entire dynamic of a relationship. For some couples this could be a positive thing or it could be detrimental to others. If a problem develops, those considering a divorce could see this as a way out without ever dealing with the issue directly. If these problems grow or the issues faced become more divisive, the option of divorce can be seen as an easy out and therefore become very appealing.

However, those who did not consider a divorce may find some success. They are forced to deal with their problems, and possibly find a constructive solution and common ground. Although this can be hard work and is not as easy as a divorce appears to be in fixing problems, working together and facing issues can be much more rewarding.

Marriage is a team of two players. When both players are actively working towards solutions to their problems and remove divorce as an option, resolutions can be found for their differences. This will strengthen their marriage as you will be working towards something better rather than looking for a way to cut your losses and run.

If you remove divorce as an option and resolve to work through your differences, you can make your marriage work. It will give you the motivation to work to improve your relationship through understanding and communication. By listening to each other and finding ways to compromise that benefit the both of you; you can build a marriage that will last for years to come.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Can Marriage Counseling Save A Marriage In Crisis

Every marriage goes through ups and downs. A number of marriages also go through times of severe turmoil, such as deaths in the family, chronic illnesses, unfaithfulness, or national disasters. Some marriages hold strong during any ups and downs; others begin to crumble. For any marriage in crisis, however, marital counseling can help.

Each couple’s marriage is, of course, unique. Therefore, the way in which that couple deals with problems and issues will be unique. However, there are several signs which are common to all marriages--signs which point toward trouble brewing in the relationship. The earlier a couple begins to recognize the signs, the earlier the couple can begin marriage counseling. And, the sooner the couple starts counseling, the better the couple’s chances of saving their marriage.

Here are the common warning signs of a marriage that is likely headed toward crisis:

• The couple bickers, nags, and nitpicks a great deal.

• The couple doesn’t fight fairly.

• The couple tends to spend a good deal of time apart, doing activities separately because that is more fun than spending time together.

• The couple doesn’t talk about problems together. One member of the couple may be unaware of household issues or problems with the children that the other couple member handles, for instance.

• The couple no longer agrees on long-term goals and values, either for themselves or for the family as a whole.

• The couple has a low level of intimacy--or none.

• The couple doesn’t talk much. The two members of the couple may be unaware of significant events or happenings at each other’s workplaces, for example.

Marriage counseling can help couples who are having any of the above issues. Counseling can also assist couples who are in crisis for other reasons. There is no reason for a couple to stay in an unhappy marriage; yet people who head straight for separation or divorce without trying to first make the marriage work through the use of marital counseling may be throwing in the towel without giving their marriage a fair chance.

Professional marriage counselors have experience in working with couples who have gone through all types of difficulties. Counselors can assist couples in dealing with infidelity, spending issues, problems with family and children, differences in faith, and much more.

Couples who attend marriage counseling learn the following:

• How to resolve conflict through effective listening
• How to state needs clearly and openly without anger or resentment
• How to get what is needed in the relationship without making demands
• How to work through unresolved issues in the marriage
• How to understand the needs of both members of the couple--and how to meet those needs

Marriage counseling works best if couples go as soon as they begin having problems in their marriage. A marriage in crisis can be helped with marital counseling; however, if a couple waits too long to seek counseling, their chances of saving their marriage may not be as great.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

She Broke My Heart

It is a normal part of life to experience both joy and sorrow. Everyone in the entire world experiences both at times. This is likely of little consolation to you if you are currently feeling the heartbreak of an ended relationship, however. It is quite difficult to make the transition from dreaming of spending your life with someone forever to knowing that your dream was not meant to be. If she broke your heart, you may be feeling as if your life is falling apart.

Feeling broken-hearted can seem rather confusing to some--there is a lot of pain and hurt feelings, of course, but there is also a sense of grief and loss that is not unlike that which is experienced when a death occurs. This happens because when your heart is broken, you feel as if you have lost a large part of your life as well as a part of yourself; therefore, it is only natural to grieve for the loss.

The depth of your feelings from your heartbreak will depend upon the depth of your relationship and the strength of the feelings you had for your girlfriend at the time of the break-up. For the first few weeks after the break-up, you may feel as if your heart has fallen out and will never return. You may also feel as if the heartbreak will never end. All of this is perfectly natural, both for men and for women who experience heartbreak.

It may take several weeks or a few months for you to begin to feel a bit more normal--and even then, you may relapse into the depths of despair once again. It may be difficult for those around you to truly understand how you are feeling and how deeply you are hurting because every broken heart is different. When a woman breaks your heart, it may leave deep scars on your heart that remain there forever.

You may feel physical and psychological symptoms of your broken heart throughout your recovery period. It is not unusual to experience some of the following symptoms:

• Stomach aches or loss of appetite
• Difficulty sleeping
• Loss of self-respect or self-esteem
• Nausea
• Extreme fatigue
• Tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack
• Feelings of hopelessness

Most of these symptoms tend to be mild and of short duration; however, anyone experiencing long-term or more severe suffering should certainly visit a doctor.

Even though she broke your heart, you will recover and you will even learn to love again. It may not seem possible now because you are grieving your loss and need to come to terms with how your life will be without your ex; however, trust that as time marches on, you will heal. Just as your body heals from physical injuries, your mind and soul will heal from psychological suffering. As each day passes by, your hurt will ease, little by little. Soon your heartbreak will be a memory of the past.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

7 Effective Tips To Help Save Marriage

Statistically speaking, nearly sixty percent of marriages fail. Many couples are looking into ways to avoid becoming that statistic. Although some marriages cannot be fixed, many can. It takes dedication and determination on the part of both the husband and the wife to help save their marriage, regardless of what the underlying problems are or who is at fault.

The following are some effective tips to help save marriage. However, for these to work, both the husband and wife must be committed to following these guidelines and work together to solve their differences.

1. Communicate. This is absolutely essential for making a marriage work and last. You both must clearly state how you feel, your opinions, your wants and needs to each other. By discovering what each of you feel is wrong in your marriage, you can work towards a solution.

2. Keep calm. When you are having problems in your marriage it is easy to get upset. Try to approach your problems with a level head and voice. Being hurtful or disrespectful to your spouse will not help the situation.

3. Compromise. It takes two in a marriage, so both of your views must be respected. If you give a little, you may get a lot and be happier.

4. Set goals. Goals give you direction. Make sure to set goals in your marriage that reflect both of your views and determine what you both need to do to get there.

5. Be patient. It takes time to work on problems in a marriage. Make sure that you are patient with your spouse as well as with yourself as you work towards fixing problems. Rushing to fix things can have an adverse effect.

6. Forgive and forget. Depending on your situation, this can be difficult, especially if your partner was unfaithful. If you want to save your marriage in spite of their infidelity, you will have to try and forgive them so that you can work together to preserve your marriage. Forgetting about what they have done may not be easy either. If you want to move on, it is essential that you are not dwelling on the past. Focus on the here and now and what you can both can do today to make your marriage better.

7. Get counseling. If you cannot work out your differences, counseling can help. A good counselor can help you with guidance, support, encouragement and give you unbiased views that can give you insight on how to correct the problems in your marriage. They can help you find the right solutions and methods based on what is best for you as a couple for the problems that are being faced.

It is very important that you both agree to counseling and intend to take an active role in your sessions for counseling to be an effective tool for help in your marriage. When choosing a counselor, make sure that they are licensed professionals and that you feel comfortable working with them.