Friday, July 10, 2009

Should I Get Back With Ex Girlfriend

Should you try to get back with ex girlfriend when you think you can not be away from her? When you believe you can not live without her and your life is incomplete you might have a challenge on your hands. It Is not an impossible challenge, though. It's something that you are able to do but it will take a lot of self-contemplation and thought about the situation. If you think you may want to get back with ex girlfriend, you need to make certain it is worth it.

If you're trying to figure what made you have to get back with ex girlfriend to begin with you need to ask your self a few questions. What was the reason for the break up to begin with? If it was your fault then look closely at what it was that you did. Was it due to your selfishness? This is something that may be difficult to do. Look at the actions you took. Were they the results of a self-centered individual? If so, then what has changed? What makes you so certain that you're done being self-centered? Is this desire to get back with ex girlfriend a result of self-centered thinking?

Before you try to get back with ex girlfriend, you need to make certain that it's a mutually beneficial relationship or it has very little chance of succeeding. If it's just something to try and fill a void in your life and heart then it might not be the best for them. You might have to live with the consequences of your selfish actions. Don’t expect to get taken back with open arms. You just have to know that if it isn’t good for both of you, it may not have good or positive results.

If the reason that you broke up has more to do with her selfish actions, then why do you think that she has changed or will change? Look closely at her actions. If there's real remorse and a willingness to change, you may have a chance. You need to ask “is she just going to do this again?” If she has a pattern of acting out of selfishness in a way that's harmful to your relationship and to you then you probably do not. If you have significant reason to believe that what she did is not going to repeat itself then perhaps you should get back with ex girlfriend. You have to see that that she's done looking out for only her self-interest and is more concerned in something that's good for the both of you.

In either situation, whether it was because of your selfishness or hers, or even both, you need to fully believe that the both of you are able to act in the best interest of one another. You can not expect this relationship to go far if either one of you is egoistic. If you genuinely believe that you both are done being self-centered and can really be focused on the relationship it might be a good thing to get back together with ex.


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