Saturday, January 21, 2012

End Of Relationship Breakup Signals-Tips To Prevent A Breakup

In a perfect world, two people would fall in love and stay together for the rest of their lives. But we live in the real world where couples split apart far too often. However, if you were able to recognize some key end of relationship breakup signals, then you may be able to prevent a breakup from happening.

The first thing you need to do is have a baseline understanding of your partner. In other words, you need to know what their normal behavior is so you will be able to identify strange behavior when it happens. Just about every breakup signal is related to your partner's behavior.

If your partner changes the way they communicate with you, then it's a sign that something is going on. Do they talk to you a lot less? A lot more? Are they using more abusive language? More romantic language? Changes in communication could be a sign of anything, but they can also be a sign that a breakup is just around the corner.

There is a group of behaviors known as emotional distancing. These are any behaviors that break the emotional bond the two of you once had. Sometimes you will see it in their eyes; sometimes it will be a change in the tone of their voice; sometimes you feel it when you touch them. It's one of those things that is hard to explain, but you will know it when you see it. As far as end of relationship breakup signals go, emotional distancing should be your cue to immediately take action to work on making things better.

Odd behavior is another warning sign. This can happen in countless ways, so you need to stay alert. For example, if they seem to be making major excuses for minor things, that's not normal. On the other hand, it may be something that you can't quite specify, but you should trust your gut if things seem off.

One of the hardest signals to notice is when your partner starts to be more romantic than they ever have before. It's easy to assume that they are just being more loving, and besides, it feels good. However, there is also a chance that they are compensating for their own guilt.

To be fair, these breakup signals are not absolute signs of trouble. There could be other logical explanations for their behavior, so don't assume the worst. If you see any of these signals, then you should use them as the basis of a conversation with your partner. Express your concerns in a calm and respectful way, and have a heartfelt discussion.

You may ultimately find that nothing is wrong. Of course there is always a chance that the end of relationship breakup signals were accurate, and things are now coming to an end. It may not be pleasant, but at least you will know and will be able to move on with your life.


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