Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get Husband-Now You Have Him But There Is Trouble

Marriage is a wonderful thing that binds two people together. Many marriages last until the day they die, both people living happily throughout. However not all marriages have it so easy. In fact, many marriages have rocky times and end up failing. In a lot of these cases both parties involved would have wanted to save their marriage instead of letting it crash and burn. They want to work to get husband or wife the happiness they deserve.

Even though people often want to salvage their marriage, make it work, so that they can live happily ever after, they are unable to. As much as they want to save it, they simply do not know how. In a lot of instances, it was the very act of trying to save a marriage that doomed it to failure. If you do not want this to happen, there are several tips to help you out.

1. Stay positive. Remaining positive is really important in most things in life, but especially marriage. People can pick up on the vibes you throw out, if you are throwing out negative vibes people with subconsciously pick up on these and it can ruin your marriage. Staying positive allows your spouse to pick up on your positive vibes, thus feeling a little more at ease themselves.

2. Do not be pushy. The worst way for you to get husband or wife to listen to you is to be pushy. You may be eager to save your marriage, but this eagerness can cause you to be impatient and that just annoys your spouse and pushes them farther away. Slow and steady wins the race, if you take it nice and easy you have a much higher chance of success.

3. Communication. Communication is the single most important thing in a marriage. The only way for your spouse to know how you are feeling is if you tell them. If you have a problem, tell them in a polite manner so that the two of you can work it out before it spirals out of control and endangers your marriage.

4. Reminisce about shared memories.
Bring up happy moments from your past can be a great mood setter. If you are having a rough time in your marriage, remind both yourself and your spouse of the better times, and remind yourselves that with just a little work you can have those times again.

5. Seek help. Ultimately, if you are unable to get husband or wife to listen, or if you yourself have a problem, you should seek professional help. As much as you may want to save your marriage, sometimes you just can not do it alone. Whether it is your fault or your spouses, the fact remains the same, your marriage is having trouble. So instead of blaming one another, seek out a neutral third party who can help you sort things out.

Marriage counselors are trained to help you both through the tough times by giving you ideas on ways you can strengthen your bond and fix the problems you have.


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