Thursday, September 9, 2010

Relationship Rescue Plans Can Save Your Love

Do you need a relationship rescue plan? If life has gotten in the way of the two of you spending quality time together and all you seem to be doing lately is sniping at each other about stupid stuff that really doesn't mean anything, maybe you two need a break.

Plan a weekend away and just go relax and try to reconnect. It doesn't have to be expensive or even far away. Just somewhere the two of you can spend some time alone and start to rebuild your relationship.

While taking your weekend away, plan to talk things out. Promise each other you will both be as open and honest about everything as you can be. You need to work together to save your relationship.

Another suggestion would be to join a group (maybe your church offers one) that is taking couples on a retreat, if you are both willing. Not exactly couples counseling but if you feel as though you need a relationship rescue, a couples retreat could work out nicely for both of you. You will be required to open up and talk about your feelings during group therapy discussion, compete with the other couples in physical challenges, and learn how to better communicate with your partner by completing specialized communication exercises with your partner.

A couples retreat could be very eye opening and beneficial in learning what your partner thinks about your relationship. You may learn something you did not know about your partner and vice versa. Anything fresh and new that the two of you can share will open up doors you did not know were there and inject new life into your relationship.

When you get home, make a plan for the future. Sit down together and list some goals that you each would like to see happen in one year, five years, ten years. You get the picture. When each of your lists are complete then compare them, see what goals you have in common and try to combine them so you have one list with mutual goals on it. Keep any other goals on a separate list and pick one from it when the mutual goals have been realized in the time frame you chose.

If one of your goals is to remodel a section of the house, again sit down and plan out everything that you think a remodel would entail. Make sure that the two of you are on the same page when it comes to the type of fixtures you want and what you want the finished room to look like. Good communication is necessary to complete a project like a remodel and to reduce or eliminate misunderstandings it is essential to talk things through and have a plan. Whether you plan to do the work yourselves or hire it out communicating effectively with each other and the contractor you hire is very important.

So now you know that if you need a relationship rescue plan, your relationship really is in your hands and the two of you can make it or break it. It is all up to you.


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