Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can My Wife Love Me Again - Yes

Can my wife love me again? I don't know, what did you do? I don't mean to sound flip when you are in pain, but getting someone to forgive and love you again will depend on a lot of factors, not the least of which is what caused the problems in the first place. Getting to the root of the problem has got to be the first step you take.

Trying to get the love back in your marriage might be hard, or impossible, due largely to what happened to kill that love in the first place. How long has the love been dying? For example, if you have been married for some time and you haven't treated your wife very well throughout your marriage, she may not love you anymore, and that may just be that. Love can die.

Think of a garden, if you don't water it and nurture it the only plants you're going to grow are weeds. Your marriage is similar. If you've spent the past several years of your marriage completely oblivious to your wife and her needs and you haven't shown her that you care about her and love her, than the love she felt for you might already be past the point of saving.

If the troubles are a little more recent, and not all your doing, you will usually have a better chance of saving your marriage and rekindling the love the two of you once had. With the economy so difficult right now a lot of families are really feeling the strain of money issues. If that's what's happened to you and your wife you need to slow down and consider what's really important. I know, you've got people calling, you've got food to buy and there is never enough money. But in the long run, this will just be a blip on the screen. Your marriage should be the one thing that you can count on for the rest of your life. Try (even though I know it's hard) to always remember that.

One of the simplest things you can do to win back your wife's affections is to remind her, with actions and not words, of the man she fell in love with in the beginning. It's easy to let life get in the way, we can lose our sense of humor and romance and then everything else starts to fall apart. Try to recapture a little of the magic the two of you used to share. It can be something as simple as a walk together in the local park, just some time together to unplug from all the other crap that may be going on in your world.

There are many reasons why a marriage can fall apart, most of them are silly and can be fairly simple to overcome once you realize what they are. For you men who are asking: can my wife love me again, yes, just make sure you give her a good reason.


  1. I've been dating my girl for 5 years and we have just broke up because she told me she likes someone else but she say she still loves me... the next week she left the house and said she needs to find herself??? and i wanted her to be with me by living were i live, forget about her ex's, having a good job and being in a healthy relationship which leads to marriage and kids. but she was planning to leave me since and when i knew about her plan i gave her space maybe she will come back?? but if she didn't then i had to find help, a spell caster to help me bring her back so i did contacted i was giving this usa number +15036626930 and this email address after 3 days of casting his spell my girlfriend returned back to crying to me that she will never make a step without me again, that she will always love me till death. i am still surprised how dr.marnish did the love spell
    Tremeeka from France


  2. I lost my 8 years relationship during December-last two years. My dream husband left me with so much pains and since then i have been heart broken and shattered. I have contact more than 5 different spell casters and 5 of them has rip me off my money without no result. I have Emailed so many sites online looking for a good spell caster until i was directed by a colleague in my working place to Dr idadume is a grate man from Indian who help people with relationship problems. At first i never believed him because he was requesting for some little amount of money to buy what will be use to cast the spell, it took him 1 weeks to convince me and something occur to my mind and i said let me give him a trial. I was very shocked when my dream hubby called 3 days ego that him was sorry and also ready to make amend he came back home. i am very happy that we are together today as i am shearing this testimony a date has been fix for our wedding first week of January because Dr idadume made it possible. I will advise you contact because he has done wonders in my life and i believe he can help you out in any problem.
