Monday, September 14, 2009

How Can I Save Our Relationship- Is It Even Possible

I am sorry. If you are reading this you must be having a very rough time in your relationship. I know how hard that could be. If you're asking, 'How can I save our relationship?" I do have a few tips that may be able to make a difference for you and your partner.

There are a a couple of things you have to consider really carefully and truthfully first. You have to decide why you want to save your relationship. That may sound like a dumb comment to make but occasionally we cling to things that we should just let go. We cling for the wrong reasons such as fear of being alone. Before you invest too much time and emotion in trying to save your relationship first make certain that it should be saved.

Now that you have done your honest soul searching and you have determined that your relationship is worth saving here are a a couple of tips you are able to follow which should help:

1) It's not all about you. So frequently in relationships one person tends to carry more of the burden. They are the 'fixer'. They're the ones who carry most of the emotional baggage. If that person is you than you have to recognize that you can not do it all. If your relationship is going to be saved your partner has to be able, and willing, to meet you halfway.

2) Try to communicate without condemning or criticizing. When a relationship begins to falter there are many hurt feelings and frustrations from both parties. These hurts can build up into a big wall of resentment. That wall is really difficult to tear down. It will take a lot of time, patience, and open communication.

If the two of you aren't good at communicating you may need to find resources such as a book or counseling, that could help you work on your communication skills.

3) Own it. If you have screwed up you need to be a mature adult and admit your mistake and apologize for it. This is key. Remember in step 2 when I discussed resentments building up? You can do a lot to ease those resentments if you just own up to your errors and offer a sincere apology for the hurt you might have caused. To somebody who loves you and wants to make things work this will be a really sweet sound.

Follow these 3 steps and you'll be well on your way to answering the question " how can i save our relationship?". Remember, the problems did not spring up overnight and they are not going to go away overnight either. But if the two of you are willing to work together you can get back the loving, fulfilling relationship you both want.


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