Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Evaluating Your Relationship With Your Partner - Before You Take Your Relationship To The Next Level

It does not matter if you have been in a relationship for a while or if it is brand new, most people will reach a point where they're considering taking their relationship to the next level. The next level may mean anything from physical intimacy to a walk down the aisle. Regardless what the next level is for you, now is the time to begin evaluating your relationship with your partner.

While it might seem like this would be an easy thing to do it can actually be really hard. There are a few reasons why achieving an honest evaluation could be a tough thing for people:

1) If you wait too long to honestly access the quality and strength of your relationship you might already be in too deep to be able to objectively analyze the weak points in your partner and your relationship.

Once you have fallen for that person you will see only what you want to see. Few people will still have the strength to truthfully admit that there may be a problem. They will turn a blind eye and pretend that everything is good.

2) During the early days and most of the 'dating phase' of a relationship your partner, and you, can be really guarded and careful of what they let the other see. With a few people it is a deliberate attempt to hide their true colors with other's it is a more innocent "putting the best foot forward" type of thing.

Either way this tendency could make an honest evaluation really hard.

One of the most important things you are able to do to try to have a secure and fulfilling relationship is to honestly evaluate the strength of your partner and the relationship early on.

It is also important to take your time. Too many people ignore the warning signs because they just want to be with someoone so badly they're willing to be mis-treated just so they do not have to be alone.

If you truly want a strong relationship make certain you are strong first. If you're happy with you and you have made a full life for yourself filled with people and activities that make you happy, then you will not be so desperate for a relationship that you allow yourself to be mis-treated.

Honestly evaluating your relationship with your partner is something everyone should do, but few actually do. The earlier you do it the easier it will be to see things clearly as they truly are and not just as you want them to be. That is the difference between a happy and loving relationship and an unhappy and potentiallly abusive relationship.


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