Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Miss My Ex Boyfriend

After you break up with a guy, there's a period of loneliness. Not alone are you missing the time that you spent with him, but there's also a piece of your heart that walked out the door when he did. If you're saying “I miss my ex boyfriend,” here are a few ways to get past the feeling.
There are two steps to getting over an ex. The first is to bring closure to the relationship and the second is to begin on the next phase of your life.
Closure is the psychological term for ending a phase of one’s life. There are a lot of things you are able to do to stop saying “I miss my ex boyfriend.”
Firstly, you should determine that he does not want you back. As long as you think that there's a chance you are able to get back together, you will not start to heal.
To that end, exchange all of the physical possessions you have. Do not keep his toothbrush in your bathroom or hold on to his leather jacket. If you have left clothes or other possessions at his house, pick them up.
If either of you owes the other money, pay it back as soon as possible.
Do not contact him and do not let him contact you. Maybe you are able to be friends in the future, but right now, you need time to separate your emotional lives. If you give in and answer his telephone calls, e-mails, or texts, you're just letting a wound fester.
If you find yourself saying “I miss my ex boyfriend,” sit down and write about it. Write a letter to him sharing your feelings about the relationship and the break up. But do not send it to him. Throw it away, or even better, burn it. This will help you bring closure to the relationship.
After you have gotten over the initial hurt of the break up, begin putting yourself out there again. It might feel awkward initially, but you're going to have to face life as a single person sometime. The sooner you get back on the scene, the sooner you'll meet somebody new.
If your ex took up a big part of your life, you'll want to find new past times. This might mean reconnecting with your girlfriends. Or, it might mean going out and finding new friends.
One of the best ways to fill the space an old boyfriend took up is to start something new. Join a class or a co-ed sports team. See if your local book store has a monthly book club. Begin going to church again.
While it might be difficult to get started on the social scene again, you'll find that you miss your ex boyfriend much less when you're engaged in activities you enjoy.
When you have the opportunity to, start dating again. Even if the first guy isn’t somebody you are able to see spending the rest of your life with, accept his invitation to dinner or the movies. As you get back into the routine of dating, you'll be able to find a man who can appreciate and love you.
Whenever you hear yourself thinking “I miss my ex boyfriend,” do something that either brings closure to the relationship or propels you to move forward in your life.


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