Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Breakup Signals To Watch Out For-Dont Be Blind Sided By Love

The sad truth is that people break up with one another all the time. If that fact makes you nervous, then you are probably concerned that your relationship could be headed for trouble. You may not always know where you stand until you hear it directly from your partner (one way or the other). With that in mind, here are a few breakup signals to watch out for.

You need to know your partner very well before you can pick up on their signals. The biggest thing to watch out for is a change in behavior. However, you need to have a firm understanding of what their normal behavior is like; otherwise you won't be able to detect subtle changes that could be signs of trouble.

If the two of you used to have deep conversations about important things, but now your partner doesn't want to talk to you at all, then that's an issue that needs to be addressed. If they are suddenly being overly-romantic, when they weren't before, then they may be compensating for feelings of guilt. If they get moody and cranky at the slightest thing, then there's a reason for it. While there could be any number of reasons for a change in behavior, such a change is one of the most common breakup signals.

Emotional coldness is another warning sign. This is the opposite of having strong emotions. If your partner seems distant and unfeeling, it may be an attempt to start pulling away from you. They don't laugh or cry; they don't get mad or argue; and they don't express any feelings of affection. It's as if they are a zombie when they are around you. The catch is that they may not even be aware of what they are doing, so you will have to approach the subject carefully.

Not wanting to spend time with you is also something to watch out for. There are many ways to show love for somebody, and spending time together is one of them. Time apart is an easier breakup signal to notice, but that doesn't mean it's an easier signal to endure. The sad part is that you still want to be together, but your partner seems to be spending less and less time with you.

Another important signal to watch out for is what your gut tells you. In other words, if things just don't feel right, then trust those feelings. At the very least, use those feelings as a wake up call that your relationship isn't perfect.

Being aware of these breakup signals is one thing, and dealing with them is quite another. If you see any of these signs (or any signs for that matter), then you need to take the next step and do what you need to do to save your relationship. There may be a few roadblocks up ahead, but having awareness and a good game plan will get you past them with ease.


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