Being a part of a military marriage can be difficult with one of you always having to leave on deployment and the other always being left behind to deal with the day to day business of running a household.
The one left behind has to be able to be as independent as needed to get the things done that need to be done while the other is off fighting for the freedoms we sometimes take for granted in this country.
It is possible to maintain a happy, fulfilling military marriage if both parties are willing to devote the time and energy to making it so.
Here are some tips to keeping your relationship strong through those times you are apart.
1. Make the most of those times when you get to be together. If the one away gets leave time and can come home for a month or so, do everything you can to spend that time reconnecting and getting to know each other again.
Some might find this exhilarating and find they like the level of romance this can bring with it. It may feel like you get to start from scratch each time they come home. Leave any problems for a later time.
2. Be supportive of your spouse when they have to leave. Being in the armed forces is a great responsibility and it will be better for the one who needs to leave to know that they have the support of their spouse even though you will miss each other greatly.
3. Get the support you need as the one who stays behind from friends and groups within the military community. They do not have to be formal groups either, although I am sure there are some of those as well. Just find someone to talk out your worries and troubles so you do not start to feel all alone.
4. Schedule your time wisely. He or she will be more at ease if they know you are handling things to the best of your ability here on the home front. They have so many other things to concentrate on while they are away, like the safety of themselves and their unit.
5. Be true to yourself. Making sure you are taking good care of yourself is the best way to be able to take care of everything else. You will miss him or her every day they are gone but do what you can to keep from sinking into a depression and feeling bad.
6. Schedule fun activities for the children, if you have them and talk to them often about the parent that is gone so they can express their fears or worries and get them under control. You are the adult and you know how you feel with the other parent gone. Just imagine how your children feel.
With today's technology, you will no doubt be able to see and speak with your spouse even while they are on deployment, although it may be few and far between and mostly unplanned. This will help you both keep your military marriage healthy and happy as well.
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