Monday, October 3, 2011
Love Relationships Seven Principals To Achieve
Besides the obvious, compatibility, love relationships need trust, mutual respect, honesty, and effective communication to thrive and be of a benefit to both parties.
You could throw in having the ability to compromise when issues arise and actually being friends with each other as other aspects that are needed in a good relationship, too.
Having a relationship based on these seven principles is what we all dream of achieving at least one time in our lives. I believe they call this finding the "one". That perfect person that each of us dreams about finding to spend the rest of our lives with.
Some of us are lucky enough to find that special someone so we can be content for the rest of our lives. Too many of us settle for someone we can't possibly be happy with just to have someone around. I personally do not think that that is living. If you end up marrying someone that constantly brings you down or holds you back, is it really a good relationship. No, it isn't.
We all need people around us who will build us up and encourage us when the chips are down. Having someone add to those chips is no good and maybe you should rethink your relationship and move on.
Maintaining good love relationships takes some time and attention but are relationships really as hard as some make them out to be? I don't think so. Maybe I am just one of the lucky ones, but in my opinion if a relationship takes work and is hard to manage, maybe you should get out of it and find one that isn't.
Relationships should be fun and passionate and full of love. You should complement each other well. Where one is weak the other is strong. A good relationship is a good partnership. Partners share everything with each other. Partners have consideration for one another and take care of each other.
I think too many people enter into a relationship and immediately start pitting themselves against each other like it is some kind of competition or something. They have a "what's in it for me" type of attitude instead of adopting a "what's in it for us" type of attitude.
If you both strive everyday to be there for each other and work together to maintain the relationship you will begin to wonder, as I do, why so many people have so much trouble in their relationships. It just doesn't have to be that way. Life is too short to be miserable or unhappy and only you can change it.
We all want to be loved and love someone in return. When there is too much stress and strife in a relationship it does make it too much like work Since there is too much stress and strife in everyday life wouldn't it be nice to be able to have someone you can have as a refuge from it all? That's the way good love relationships should be.
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The Phythian is Marvin Phythian's hypnotherapy and self improvement blog.