In today's economic climate everybody is strapped for cash and struggling to pay the bills. So you may not be able to afford the costs of getting a divorce. From hiring a lawyer, getting mediation and other services the cost of a divorce can be quite substantial. So how do you go about a divorce case if you can not afford it?
This is a big reason why a lot of couples stay in unhappy marriages instead of getting a divorce. They are afraid of how much it might cost and worried about what that debt would do to their future if they did decide to proceed.
The fear of not being able to afford a divorce is a great scare tactic employed in marriages to ensure the unhappy party remains. But it is only that, a scare tactic. While divorces can be expensive there are ways to get around those expenses.
Leaving your spouse does not mean you have to become poor and live on the street. All you have to do is find ways to getting a divorce without breaking your wallet.
You can start a divorce for very little and find ways of solving it outside of the court, saving you money. You know your situation better then anyone else so paying an attorney hundreds an hour just so you can sit there and recount your tale, only to spend a few more hours as he tries to get a handle on it, is just a waste of money.
You really do not need a lawyer in a divorce case as you can represent yourself. This might seem scary and, to be honest, it really is. A divorce case is like any other court case and can be quite daunting. But if you are serious about ending your marriage but simply do not have the money, this is probably the best way.
There are so many sources of information out there thanks to the internet. So you can educate yourself on the ins and outs of your divorce case in order to better represent yourself. There are forums out there where people will share their stories and where divorce attorneys and law students share their knowledge to help people in your position.
There are also self help books and the good old law books that can teach you what you need to know. A simple trip to your local library can help you pick up a lot of excellent reference material for your court case.
So whether it is using other people or books, online or off, there is so much information out there that you can get for free. By utilizing this knowledge you can represent yourself in your divorce case and save hundreds on attorney fees. If you arm yourself properly with all the knowledge you have collected, a divorce case should not prove to be as daunting as you once thought.
There is a risk of you representing yourself but if you simply do not have the money, at least you can arm yourself properly and go in with a fighting chance.
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