Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bad Relationship- Noone Deserves To Be Unhappy

If you are in a bad relationship the best thing you could do for yourself is get out of it as soon as you can. No one deserves to be unhappy. I know you feel like you are all alone in the world but the first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone and there are people and resources you can tap into that can help you.

Use these resources to help you make a plan to get away. Ask family to help you store some things or give you a safe place to stay until you can get on your feet again. If you think you have enough time, try to save some money so you have a little to start you out. If you can't do this and have no family to help there are shelters that are available for you to take advantage of.

Leaving a bad relationship is scary but it will be the best thing you have ever done and will give you the confidence to get on with your life, especially if you have children to watch out for. Be strong and find the courage to walk out the door and do not look back.

When you are packing, take only what you need and nothing more. You are going to want to get out clean. You will probably only have a small window of opportunity to get away and the lighter the load the faster you can move.

If there has been abuse in your relationship you may need to have some back up when you leave. Ask the police to help you, they may or may not depending on whether or not there have been reports of abuse filed by you over the course of your relationship. If the police won't help, ask family or friends to help you get out quickly.

Once you make the decision to go you do need to move quickly. For one, you do not want to change your mind. Changing your mind only means more abuse and like I said no one deserves to live like that.

Do not let them know where you are going. If they have been controlling and abusive they will try to find you and if they do, they will try to hurt you again, at the worst and at the most they will try to manipulate you to coming back. They will attempt to make promises they have no intention of keeping and when they get you back the next time the abuse happens it will be so much worse than ever before. For your own safety, do not leave any evidence of where you went. And for goodness sake, if they find you do not go back with them.

Once you are away from them for a while and things have calmed down. Find a counselor to talk to. You need to start to feel better about yourself as soon as you can. What happened to you in that bad relationship was not your fault. People change and not always for the better. Let the counselor work with you so you can get on with your life.


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