Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Simple Tips On How To Deal With A Break Up

Are you still in pain following a relationship break up? This article will share with you some helpful tips on how to deal with a break up and move on with your life. During this painful time you aren't always thinking straight and may do or say something you regret later. These tips will help you through the healing process and avoid doing anything that you are going to later regret.

The first feeling following a break up is one of hurt and you should take the time that you need to feel this hurt. You may want a few days where you just stay home, do nothing and see nobody. You might not feel like cleaning the house or visiting friends and that's fine. This is your time and you need the time to process everything that has happened. There are some things you won't be able to avoid; you shouldn't avoid going to work if it will risk your job. Do the things that must be done, but anything else can wait.

This hurting period shouldn't last too long though or you could find yourself becoming depressed and that can be really difficult to pull yourself out of. Allow yourself a few days to feel hurt and then get up and get moving again. You still might not be over your ex, but you need to move onto the next stage. You need to continue with your life while you continue the healing process.

Now that you have had some down time you need to start taking care of yourself. You need to start eating a healthy diet again and start exercising. Even if you didn't eat all that healthy or exercise before, starting now is a good way to help you through this healing process. You may feel like doing the opposite and going out and drinking and sleeping around, but although this might bring you some short term relief, it will make you feel worse long term. Getting your life on track with a healthy diet, exercise and enough sleep will be much better for you long term.

Now you need to accept that the relationship is over. You need to think about what the relationship was really like and what troubles you had. Obviously the relationship had issues or you would still be together. Maybe the two of you really aren't that good together or perhaps one party cheated on the other. Whatever the reason for the break up, there was a reason. The relationship is over and it's time to accept that and move on. You should avoid your ex for a while at least as if you see them you are just being reminded of what you lost. You should avoid them completely until you are over them and feeling much stronger emotionally.

Lastly, remember that healing takes time. Don't expect to be over your ex immediately, it will take time. Try to move on with your life and go out and do things that you enjoy and before you know it you will find yourself having fun and having a smile on your face. Even though you are feeling bad now, you will soon be happy again and moving on to a better future. How you deal with a break up really does make a difference to how well you do in your future.


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