If you want to be happy in your relationship, let me give you a little relationship advice. C-0-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E with each other about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. If an issue comes up tackle it immediately. Every relationship will have issues, no one is perfect and that includes the two of you.
You will hit a rough patch sooner or later. It does not matter what the rough patch is all about, just know that there will be one. Hitting a rough spot does not mean that the relationship has to be over, in fact, hitting a rough spot and making it through will make your relationship stronger and more able to handle the next rough patch that comes along.
Trusting your spouse is very important. It can keep you both secure in how you handle the relationship. Some people trust just as a matter of course and take it away only if something happens for them to feel like they can no longer trust. Some make you earn the trust they put in you and are completely devastated if that trust is broken.
Some also feel that it is trust, not love, that will make or break a relationship. If trust is not there or has been betrayed then it may take quite a bit of groveling to get it back, if you ever do. Some important relationship advice, be so ready to kiss some serious booty if you are the betrayer. You have your work cut out for you.
You are in love, no one is disputing that, but in all seriousness doesn't it do you some good every now and again to just get the heck away from each other? It should. Go out separately with friends or spend the day with family. Give each other a break and just go your own separate ways like one day a week. You will be healthier for it and will also come back with stories to tell about how your day went. You both will appreciate the other that much more because of this.
When conflict does come up, it is very important to know how to handle yourselves decently in a fight. No finger pointing, or name calling, keep the fight fair. Learn how to compromise. If there is mutual respect in the relationship all of this will be very easy to maintain. Respect will lead to negotiation which, in turn, will lead to a compromise that the both of you can live with.
Being able to compromise in any given situation lets you both have your say and lets you both see that your opinion matters. When what you have to say matters then no one can ever have the upper hand and the two of you can truly call yourselves partners.
Following good relationship advice and dealing with the issues as they surface will help the two of you feel so much more secure in your relationship and the stronger and more secure you are the longer the relationship will last. With just a little work, your relationship can be one of the best around.
Friday, September 30, 2011
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The Phythian is Marvin Phythian's hypnotherapy and self improvement blog.