Before we get to the signs, it's important to point out that they are not proof. Any of them could be signs of something else; such as stress or depression. However, the presence of any of these signs should be taken as a cue that something could be wrong. You also need to be careful that you're not misreading the signs due to your own insecurity in your relationship. This is often the case if you have been cheated on (or have cheated yourself) in the past. Do your best to remain objective when looking for these signs of a cheating boyfriend.
Working late - It may seem like this is one of those classic signs, but it's a classic for a reason. A lot of guys will say they are working late so they can meet up with another woman. Of course you shouldn't jump to conclusions, either. If your boyfriend is paid hourly, then you should see an increase in his income if he's really working late. Ask him a few questions about work, then pay attention to his answers.
Avoidance - If he used to look forward to seeing you, but now he seems distant or like he's trying to avoid you, then that could be a sign. Maybe he's afraid of commitment, maybe something else is going on, or maybe he's cheating and is afraid of getting caught.
Change in appearance or spending more time on his appearance - Some guys already spend a lot of time on their appearance, others don't. What you really want to look for are changes. If he used to spend 5 minutes getting ready and now he spends 45 minutes, then that's a potential sign. Also, if he suddenly changes his style of clothing, it could be because someone else is dressing him.
Knowledge of past indiscretions - While you can't convict your boyfriend based on his past, it certainly can make you leery of what he's doing now. So, if he cheated in the past, it could be one of the signs of a cheating boyfriend. At the very least, you know he has that potential. However, always remember that people can and do change, so don't make assumptions one way or the other.
Odd phone calls, text messages or e-mails - This is not meant to give you permission to go snooping through his private conversations. However, if you are getting odd messages from people you don't recognize, then that's also a potential red flag.
You know your boyfriend best, so use these signs of a cheating boyfriend as a guideline. They aren't enough to prove anything, but they can help you to dig a bit deeper if you have to.
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