If you genuinely love the individual you are with, you may wonder when to end a relationship and why. You may think that just because you love him or her, you should stay and work things out. And very often it's worth a try.
A lot of people give up on their relationships before they have truly tried to fix them. Because it is hard, they throw in the towel rather than working on their problems. This is unfortunate, since a lot of people could in all likelihood be happy together if only they were not afraid to try.
And others have problem after problem and keep working hard when most people think they should just give up. It is like these people are gluttons for punishment. Their partner keeps cheating on them and they keep taking him back. Or their partner keeps making other mistakes and letting them down.
It appears they do not know when to end a relationship. But usually it is that they are merely afraid of being alone and moving on.
There are obvious situations that should tell you when to end a relationship. If your partner is abusive, it is time to get out, no excuses. If you do not feel safe, even down to feeling like you will have something to eat and be secure, then you should move on.
Other things are less certain. If your spouse has cheated, for example, does that always mean it is time to leave? A few people can get past one mistake like that. They occasionally wind up with a stronger relationship after the affair.
But more frequently they truly never get past the betrayal. Even if it never happens again, the one who was cheated on can not let go of the hurt. And the one who cheated will sooner or later get sick of the suspicion and guilt.
If there has been cheating in your relationship, it is not easy to determine if it should end. You should really discuss everything involved. From trust to fear of it taking place again, it should all be put on the table in an honest discussion.
How about if you feel like cheating? If you have a very strong desire to be with somebody else, should you end it? These types of feelings are natural. You can even have fantasies about other people. But if you are constantly thinking that you would be better of with somebody else, perhaps you really would be.
If you love your partner and you have tried different ways of working it out, step back. How have you really tried? For how long? When to end a relationship Is not always easy to see, but if you know you have done everything and it is still not working, it might be time to go.
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