Well sit back and do not go rushing rashly into this, what you have on your side that the current girlfriend doesn't have is history! In your attempt to win ex boyfriend back remember, history can occasionally over ride everything else and take priority.
Now think about that history, those good times with your ex boyfriend. How good were they really, because clearly something went terribly wrong. With time we frequently slide on the old rose colored spectacles. So make sure that your memories are anchored in realism and not fantasy.
If you are not certain, before you go full on trying to win ex boyfriend back, ask a good friend who will tell you the truth and not only what you would like to hear. Weigh up what your friend says and what you truthfully know and feel and then make your decision about what you would like to do.
If what you discover is that certain aspects of your behavior were mainly to blame for the break down in your ex relationship, then you need to come up with ways of amending that behavior. There's no point in trying to get back together with your ex if the reason he left you is still staring you both in the face. So deal with what needs to be dealt with on your part before you make any real attempt at reconciliation.
Assuming that you choose to go ahead and try and get your ex boyfriend back, you then need to make contact with him. Call him and ask if you are able to meet up with him someplace neutral. Do not let it sound as though you're going to drop anything too heavy on him because you do not want to scare him off at this point.
To win ex boyfriend back make certain that when you meet him, you explain to him that you have thought long and hard about what happened in your relationship. You've done some work and sorted yourself out and you've found that you still have really strong feelings for him. Tell him you would like another chance.
Give him the space to explain how he feels and what he wants. Do not get emotional or angry if you do not hear what you would like to hear. If you need to give him time to think things over, then do that. Do not rush him, just leave and wait for him to call you. With any luck, you will get the call you want and you will be back together.
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