The surefire way to get your needs met in a relationship is by making sure the other individual knows just what those needs are. You can not read minds, and you should not expert your partner to be able to read minds either. He or she wants to make certain your relationships needs are met, so tell them what they are.
Concurrently, encourage your partner to tell you the needs he or she feels are of import. You may be surprised to learn, if you have never had this conversation before, how different your needs may be.
You may feel the need for you partner to tell you he loves you frequently, so may you do that for him. He without doubt enjoys that, but perhaps what he truly needs is for you to do quick considerate things to make him feel special. Some people like to be told, and some people like to be shown.
Merely having a discussion about your relationships needs can strengthen the relationship and make it easier for you to keep one another happy. If you are uncomfortable having such a blunt discussion, you should do it anyhow. Telling one another your needs is better than hinting or expecting them to be psychic.
You might really need your partner to be more helpful to you. But when it is time to clean or wash dishes you do them alone, yet again. And rather than simply asking for help or letting him know that it would mean a good deal to you if he would do them occasionally or do them with you, you get aggravated.
You may huff around while you are doing them, bang a cabinet, or act otherwise put out. This is passive aggressive behavior. You are trying to manipulate him into helping you by acting that way. It is much better and healthier to simply ask for assistance.
Passive aggressive behavior is common in relationships, and it is a worsening cycle because it does not work. If he does take your hint, it is only after you have acted put upon, angry and resentful. So his doing the dishes may be only to keep you from acting that way.
If you ask for assistance and explain that it makes you feel good when he wants to assist you, then he is coming at the task from a place of love and helpfulness. He does not feel guilted into doing it, so it is better for everybody.
This applies to things like showing affection, respecting each other’s feelings, and every aspect of your relationship. When you want something, ask for it, and be prepared to give your partner what he or she asks for to make certain all your relationships needs are met.
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