In this article I'm going to give you some "real world" ideas of things you can start doing today, right now. If you follow this advice you will and your spouse can not only fix your marriage but possibly improve all the relationships in your life.
Here we go:
1. Be realistic. Take a long hard look at you and your spouse. Do both of you really want to work on the marriage? Now is not the time for wishful thinking, it is time for a reality check.
If both of you aren't willing to make changes the odds of you saving your marriage are very low.
2. If you honestly think that both of you are interested in doing what needs to be done to save the marriage, the next step is to determine what to do.
In most cases, the longer a relationship goes on, the more resentments and bitterness have built up. Chipping away at all this "residue" will take time. But first you need to identify it.
That can be difficult. You see, no normal person goes ballistic because their husband left the seat up or because their wife burned the casserole ( a little annoyed and frustrated sure, but not enraged).
The over the top anger usually stems from something else entirely. It has been festering right under the surface and the smallest thing can set it off.
Identifying this festering anger and the real causes behind it will allow both of you to face the old hurts and anger and move on past them.
3. None of what I have talked about is all that hard, however it can still be helpful to find someone to guide the two of you through.
These emotional issues are like landmines, if you don't watch where you step they can blow up in your face. A good counselor can act as a bit of a navigator and a bit of a referee. That may make it possible for the two of you to actually accomplish something worthwhile.
4. And last, but not least, learn how to communicate in an effective non - toxic way. Too many times the old hurts and angers will show up in your words too.
When that happens, the simplest comment can sound like condemnation and it can set your partner off.
No one likes to feel like they are being blamed or judged and if the two of you don't know how to communicate and move past the debris of the past, you will continually set each other off and nothing will get accomplished.
These tips will help you gain perspective and start making positive changes which will make it easier for you to fix your marriage. It can be done, get the help you need and keep a positive attitude and the two of you may just work it out.
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