Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Get An Ex Back The Sneaky Way

If you want to get an ex back, then it may be time for you to get a little sneaky. Let's face it, even though the only thing you can think about is patching things up, the last thing your ex may want right now is to get back together. Therefore, it stands to reason that you will have to be clever and less obvious any time you are dealing with your ex. Otherwise there's a good chance that they will know what you are up to.

It is typical for the person that didn't want (or had no idea it was going to end) the relationship to be over to try to figure out different ways to get an ex back. Just about every break up will leave one of the two people hanging. It may be glaringly apparent to the partner who wishes to move on that the other one wasn't ready to and now wants to get an ex back.

A good start to being sneaky is to behave as though you really are ready to move on, and that you're not doing anything to get back together with your ex. Go ahead, have some fun! Have a good time with your friends and socialize. Now, don't do this to make your ex feel bad about themselves; it's not nice and will only work against you. Just let yourself hang loose and word will get back to your ex that you are moving on. This will allow them to see that you are well-adjusted, and it's at that point that they are most likely to start thinking about getting you back.

Whenever the both of you are having a conversation, be sure that you do not let on about what you are doing. That would be a big mistake, and would quickly ensure that you will be broken up for good. Instead, give them the impression you are doing fine, and are happy even though you are not together. Be careful. Most people will just blurt out that they are happy, but the sneaky way is to never say you are happy, but rather convey that message in other ways. Remember, the vast majority of communication is non-verbal. So, hold your head up, look them in the, smile and carry yourself with confidence. They will notice how stable you are and will start being drawn to you again.

They say time heals all wounds. That may be true, but time also gives your ex a chance to start remembering things as being better than they were, and to start missing what you had (or what they think you had). You will still have to work to do things right if you want to get an ex back, but if a little time gives them a reason to open the door to trying again, then go ahead and give them that time. Being sneaky can be fun, but make sure you are only doing it for the right reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at www.saveabreakup.com I totally recommend this site, saveabreakup.com helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...
