The answer to that question is yes far more frequently than you may believe, but you need to approach things properly to have any chance of getting back together after a relationship break up.
Before you begin the process of fixing a broken relationship, you need to ask yourself the all-important question:"should I fix this relationship?" After a relationship break up, you will understandably be feeling lost and lonely.
This isn't a good reason to try and get back with your ex, because these feelings may lead you to brush aside the very real troubles that lead to the relationship falling apart in the first place.
But if you look at the relationship and realize that your reasons for wanting to get back with your ex are genuine, then it is time to take the correct steps to mend the parts of the relationship that are broken.
You need to take a planned and measured approach, though, and not just go charging right in. You would not run on a broken leg, and you need to take the same sort of care in healing after a relationship break up.
Step One: Date Somebody Else
I recognize this appears like weird advice when you are trying to get your ex back, but this is a really useful step. The keyword here is date; this isn't an invitation to begin a full-fledged romance.
But dating others will serve two uses. One is that it will show you whether or not you should be trying to get your ex back: if you find you are not thinking about them and are thing about your date, then this is a sign that you might be moving on.
The other reason is that it will give you some space to contemplation on your relationship and something to compare it to. This will give you the information you'll need to do the following step.
Step Two: Know what went wrong
The cliché is that people that do not know that their history is doomed to repeat itself. This is seldom more true than in repairing a broken relationship. If you do not know precisely what failed, you will not be capable to fix it, so it's really crucial that you figure out where things failed so that you are able to navigate around the reasons for your relationship break up.
Step Three: Use a Light Touch
Begin slowly and do not rush things. Don't, under any circumstances, expect things to immediately return to the good old days before the relationship break up. You need to view this as starting all over, and you need to let things progress at their own pace. Nothing will put your ex off quicker than you trying to push them too far, too fast.
While this article will certainly begin you on the road to winning them back after a relationship break up, you might still need more advice and instruction. If this is the case, do not hesitate to seek the advice that will assist you get back to the place where you were happy.
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