Before you launch into a full on attempt to get back your love, make certain your relationship is a relationship that should be saved! Too frequently relationships that should remain dead are resurrected with awful consequences. So ask yourself this: “did your relationship involve physical and or emotional abuse?” If the answer is yeah you need to accept that this sort of relationship is best left over with. Alternatively work at restoring any eroded self-esteem and move on.
However, if your relationship was merely a falling out, misunderstanding or maybe a loss of trust then that's completely recoverable even if only one of you wants it, you just have to find the right course.
What's good about declaring “I'm still in love with my ex!” is you without doubt had a genuinely strong relationship with your ex and if you feel that you are still in love with them, then chances are they feel the same about you.
Provided a few weeks have past, you should take a minute to phone your ex and ask if you can have a talk with them. Do not make it sound as if you're begging and pleading for the meeting, merely make it sound as casual as you are able to.
Arrange for the meeting to happen someplace neutral where neither of you'll be tempted to cause a scene or let your emotions take over. If you're really seriously stating that “I'm still in love with my ex” then you'll need to take some time to work out what you're going to say to get them back.
You do not need to take notes, but you need to have it clear in your head. So make sure to take some time to work out why you want your ex back. Yes you are still in love with them and that in itself is a fine reason, but try and give your ex tangible reasons why they should take you back.
Discuss your dreams and ambitions and explain to them where you see them fitting into those dreams and ambitions, nevertheless do not make the error of making your ex the be-all and end-all of your dreams. Do not put yourself in a position where if they do not agree to the reconciliation that your dreams are ruined. You do not want to come across as needy and fixated, you just want your ex to know that there's a genuine place for them in your life.
You then need to give your ex the space to express themselves and you need to listen to what they say. Do all of that and your declaration that “I'm still in love with my ex” should give you a reciprocal answer from your ex.
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