You need to make a determination. Is it more important to get ex girlfriend back or to save her from this atrocious nightmare that she might be in. What is going to make the most difference is if she sees it as you watching out for her best interest instead of yours. You'll also have to look closely at your motivation so that you do not merely use this as an attempt to further your own interest. Whatsoever you determine, though, if you see the good that needs to be done, do it. You likewise need to understand that she might not want to be saved and have to accept there's nothing that you are able to do.
Being the hero could go a long way in her eyes if you save her from not just an bad situation, but a potentially dangerous one. It's known that once somebody has been abused that it's easy for them to fall back into it. If she knows that you're a safe one that she can turn to then she will find it harder to turn away. You have to first let her know that you're a safe place.
Hopefully she will have recognized that you can take good care of her. If you did not do that good of a job, let her know that you've changed (you better have seriously changed, though). Let her recognize that she can depend on you and that you will listen. That might be the toughest part but it will go a long way. It's a great thing to learn how to do at any rate. In addition to make certain that she recognizes she merits better. An abuser will flourish on making the abused feel little and that they deserve what they're getting. Her self-pride may be badly hurt. Make her recognize that she's special. Get ex girlfriend back from that bad place because she genuinely deserves better.
Your true motivation for saving her from the harmful situation will help make it easy to get ex girlfriend back. If you're trying to make it obvious that your primary priority is to get ex girlfriend back then you might do something that compromises her safety. If the maltreater gets a idea that somebody is trying to take her away and that she may be contemplating it then the situation may get worse. Abusers are typically very jealous and have a great need to control. When they feel that their control may be decreasing they'll try to correct it using any way they feel is necessary. What ever you do trying to get ex girlfriend back, you need to think of their safety first.
If you realize that your ex girlfriend is in trouble, do something about it. It's too easy to turn away from somebody in need. It could get messy in your own life but there's so much good that may come from it. If you succeed, not alone will you get your ex girlfriend back, but you might have saved a life.
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